[영어수첩] Every는 단수인가 복수인가
나를 포함해서, 영어 공부하는 사람치고 Every 를 모르는 사람은 없을것이다.
모두를 말하는데 여러명을 말하므로 복수일것 같았는데, 책을 보다보니 단수인거 같아 헷갈려 이블로그를 써 봅니다.
옥스포드 영어사전은 이렇게 말합닏.
used with singular nouns to refer to all the members of a group of things or people (단수 명사와 같이 쓰며, 멤버나 그룹의 것들 전부를 말함)She knows every student in the school. (그녀는 학교에 있는 전 학생을 안다.)I could hear every word they said. (나는 그들이 말한 모든단어를 들을수 있다.)
2. used to say how often something happens or is doneHe has every third day off (= he works for two days, then has one day off, then works for two days and so on). (그는 삼일마다 (이틀 일한뒤)쉰다)
each alternate one (한번걸러 한번씩 즉. 1번째, 3번째, 5번째 등)They visit us every other week.
[문법 포인트]each / everyEach is used in front of a singular noun and is followed by a singular verb:Each student has been given his or her own email address. The use of his or her sometimes sounds slightly formal and it is becoming more common to use the plural pronoun their:Each student has been given their own email address.When each is used after a plural subject, it has a plural verb:They each have their own email address.Every is always followed by a singular verb:Every student in the class is capable of passing the exam.Each of, each one of and every one of are followed by a plural noun or pronoun, but the verb is usually singular:Each (one) of the houses was slightly different. I bought a dozen eggs and every one of them was bad. A plural verb is more informal.